Friday 29 June 2012


ruginye tak dapat main quarter untuk pertandingan badminton tertutup sas... uuuwwaaa kene DISQUALIFIED... agak2 laa time tu dahlah aku kene pergi naik gunung... tangguhkanlah... kalau tak aku dah jadi champion KOWT.... takat ni aku menang banyak kowt beza point dgn yg kalah... yg kalah tu bawak 10 taw tak... bukan nak bajet ke ape... at least aku nak PERFORM jugak di quarter final -.-"


woahh... sukenye aku hari sukan... team rumah aku memang ramai sep2 yang kaye2... YEAHH!! dapat makan banyak!! bile aku tanye senior sponsor dah bpe banyak??? die ckp RM15000 lebih.... PUNYELAHH BANYAKK!!! senior ckp every year mmg cmtu... rumah jr mmg banyak sponsor... PERGH! aku dalam poket tgh pegang RM200 rase berat je nak bg... then aku decide tanak bagi cause dah terlebih banyak xD

Tuesday 5 June 2012

what`s wrong with me??

everyday i feel unhappy and i feel something empty... idk what`s wrong with me... i try to hide it but i can`t.. so much sad feelings that i couldn`t forget... then i rememberred of my old friends.... i wanna meet them but i can`t because the all had changed to bad persons... so sad :( ... now i just can release all of my feelings kepada loker sekolah yg dah hancur dalam stor.... i do it hampir everday... i just wanna be happy but i can`t...  i don wan eveyone anggap saya sombong so please help me to be a happy person :)